Category: Newsletter
June 2022 Newsletter
Click here to read the newsletter
February 2022 Newsletter
Welcome to all our members and new members to 2022. Well, what a ride we have had for the last few years. Let us hope that this year will allow us to get back into our creative swing and allow us to show how wonderful our Creative Samford artists are.
First and foremost is the AGM in March and the election of the committee to take us forward.
I would like to say a big thank you to Phil and Carolyn and the rest of the committee for all your help and commitment to the group. It is time for me to step back to pursue my art and craft and charity work and give someone a chance to be secretary of this vibrant group. I will still be helping in any way that I can.
Thank you for being my friends!
Nomination forms have been sent out so if you have any queries email. I have attached the nomination form with the positions which are filled for passing at the
This is a great position as it allows you to get to know all the members and work with a fantastic team of committee members. Most of the communication is done by email and it will be possible to buy and set up a separate computer for the secretary.
We must have a secretary as required by the constitution and I am here to help set up, give advice, and help as needed. Please seriously consider filling this position.
The President is the head of the committee and works closely with the secretary and treasurer. They can also be a liaison person between other groups, council, or any other areas in the arts field.
We need one more committee member as Lucie has decided to step down and take a well-earned rest. Thank you, Lucie, for all the work you have done over the years for CSI.
Thank you to Lorena Gonzalez for nominating for the committee and newsletter editor. Lorena is a new member to our group and welcome to the committee.
VENUE: SAMFORD SCOUT HALL, West Cash Avenue, Samford Village.
At this stage we have not organized a Fair due to all the COVID restrictions and a finding a suitable venue for a Saturday and Sunday. We will see what can be done but we would like to know how many would be interested in participating.
The Trails preparation is off and running and Mel and her team are going ahead full steam. We have 45 participants in some new venues too.
If you know of any businesses who may like to be sponsors or take out an advertisement, please contact Mel as soon as possible on
We may have an opening night again possibly 27th or 28th May. Will keep you up to date.
A big thank you to Chantelle for the great job she is doing with the web site.
Just a reminder that you need to fill in a permission form for the group to use your images in any media while still maintaining your copyright on all images or biography. If you are unsure if you have done this let me know and I will look it up and if you need a new form, I will send one on request.
You are allowed to have 5 JPEG images and a biography on our website. You can add new ones or update your images by contacting Chantelle At
Don’t forget to join the members web page and share any information posted and working on the Instagram.
You can also advertise your workshops etc in the web site. Send the information to Chantelle and any graphics or images. She will contact you if she needs more information.
If you have any workshops, exhibitions, want to promote your studio please let us know and we can share for you.
So, for now,
Mask up, stay safe and keep creating.
Marie-Ann Coyle and the committee
Members Work
November/ December 2021 Newsletter
Click on the link to access Creative Samford NOVDEC 2021 NEWSLETTER
August 2021 Newsletter
Click here to read the newsletter
March 2021 Newsletter
Click here to read our latest Newsletter
October Newsletter 2017
Click here to read our October Newsletter.